Looking for Club Head Speed? Start with Stability Training

As I watch people working out in the gym with the goal of hitting the ball farther most are approaching it in the wrong way. Their program focuses on building strength in all their prime movers, the big muscles that move the body. The problem with that approach is they don’t have solid stability, core system so when they’re hitting a golf ball it’s like firing a cannon from a canoe. Your stability system is made up of muscles that cross single joints and when contracted they turn a person into a solid, immovable object creating the perfect foundation to fire a golf ball from. Trainers that work with PGA Professionals spend a lot of time helping their players build solid stability systems so they can generate more force.

Exercises you can do to help you improve your stability system include planks, lateral planks, isometric hold chops and wall squats. So if you’re looking to hit the ball farther a plank will likely help a lot more than bench press.

In my next clubhead speed article, I’ll discuss how muscle imbalances might be stealing clubhead speed from your game.

Gerry Halverson

Fitness Director

GerryHalverson@TPCColorado.com | (970) 528-7071