Full Body Golf Strength | Weekly Workout | Week 4

  1. Chop / 12-20 reps each  x 2-3 sets x 15-30lbs
  2. Split Stance Single Arm Cable Pull / 12-20 reps each x 2-3 sets x 10-30lbs
  3. Step to a High Knee / 12-20 reps x 2-3 sets x bodyweight
  4. Supine Lateral Ball Roll / 8-12 each x 2-3 sets x bodyweight
  5. Stability Ball Loaded Hip Extension – 12-20 x 2-3 sets x 10-45lbs

The Chop is a great exercise to create torso rotation strength while developing a stable lower body.

Split Stance Single Arm Cable Pull will help you build lower stability and upper body rotational power.

Step to a High Knee will help you build strong legs and cardiovascular stamina.

Supine Lateral Ball Roll is a big bang exercise to build full body strength emphasizing the core.

Stability Ball Loaded Hip Extension will help you build strong gluteus maximus muscles.